Many people think that getting strong is the way to preserve balance and stability.

And this is true, to a point.

Your muscles are made up of, not surprisingly, muscle fibers. And the type of muscle fiber that predominates can make a big difference in how you can move.

  • Fast-Twitch Fibers. As you can probably guess, your fast-twitch fibers allow you to move quickly and powerfully. The leg muscles of a world-class sprinter can have over 70% of their muscles composed of fast-twitch fibers.
  • Slow-Twitch Fibers. Endurance runners may have over 90% slow-twitch fibers in their leg muscles, giving them enormous capacity to run over hours and even days.

So, which is more important, fast-twitch or slow-twitch?

Well, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

Our main point here is that as you age, you tend to lose more of your fast-twitch fibers compared to your slow-twitch fibers.

This makes sense; as you get older you spend less time doing activities that require speed and power.

What does this mean for everyday life?

Think about the last time you caught your foot on a rug or misjudged coming off of a curb. Without your fast-twitch fibers, a simple missed step could lead to disaster.

Our message? Protect your fast-twitch fibers!

Let’s learn how…