When we’re in a time crunch it’s easy to reach for convenient food options.

Unfortunately, the most convenient food is often the least healthy.

The good news is that you don’t have to sacrifice your health for convenience. Like any skill, making good food choices just takes time and practice. 

Here are a few tips:

Meal Planning

Meal planning is very powerful. Prepare simple, convenient meals on the weekend to take for lunch, or for days when you’re pressed for time. Check out healthy, easy options that are available at health-focused grocery stores. 

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

There is nothing wrong with keeping your meals simple—especially when you are worn out after a busy day.

Consistency is Key

Develop a routine around your meals. Performing the same behavior at the same time in the same place is how we form habits. Practice to be consistent!

Mindfulness Practices

We’ll be covering mindfulness practices in detail later in the program. We just want to get you thinking about ways to slow down and catch your breath. If you feel less pressed for time, your meal choices will improve.