Let’s say that you planned to exercise after work, but you had a particularly hard day and you can’t find the oomph to get all your stuff together and then spend 30 minutes driving to the gym.
Rather than skip your workout completely, you decide to do your 10-minute no-excuses workout at home.
By completing your workout, you keep your streak going and one missed day doesn’t become two, then three, and so on.
By making your no-excuses workout as easy as possible you literally can’t talk your way out of it—even after a particularly challenging day.
After all, it’s only 10 minutes!
It would be like skipping brushing your teeth before bed because you had a bad day.

During a low motivation week you might need 2 or 3 no-excuses workouts to get you through. That’s fine.
The good news is that your motivation will pick back up—and you’ll be primed to get back to your regular workout.
What you decide to do as your no-excuses workout is totally up to you. In fact, it’s super important that you keep it simple and short, and design it yourself.
It might be going for a walk or doing some stretches. It could be taking a short bike ride or doing some pushups.
Whatever works for you!