You can probably think of ways to build up your fast-twitch fibers.
Fast, powerful movements—exercises such as box jumps, sprinting up a flight of stairs, performing jump squats—anything that requires an explosive movement will help recruit new, fast-twitch fibers.
If you love Battle Rope Speed Workouts, then good for you. You can probably move on to the next lesson.
We’re guessing, however, that insane, explosive movements aren’t in your wheelhouse.
So what are some other alternatives?
Here are a few options to consider. Remember, that any sudden, powerful movement increases your risk of injury. Don’t hesitate to talk with your coach about safely integrating fast-twitch workouts into your routine.
- Add Speed. If you are working out on an elliptical, a rower, or a bike, or doing any kind of cardio, add some speed work at the end of your workout. These are commonly called intervals. You pick up the pace for 30 seconds to a minute, rest, and then repeat the interval a set number of times. Check with your coach for more info on intervals.
- Add Bands. Resistance bands can easily be incorporated into a fast-twitch session. Performing lunges, kicks, pulls, or pushes using bands will help recruit fast-twitch fibers.
- Add Water. Generally, it’s going to be a lot safer to perform explosive movements in water. Performing land movements, (e.g. running or kicking) in the pool is also a great way to increase speed and explosiveness with low risk of injury.
There are so many ways to incorporate speed work into exercise through weight lifting, martial arts, dance, and more. Think about your current exercise strategy and come up with some ways to get more twitch from your fast-twitch fibers.