Here are some things to consider when you are choosing processed foods:
- Breads: The breads you eat today are a far cry from what your ancestors ate. If you baked a loaf of bread a hundred years ago and threw it at someone’s head, you would have knocked them out. Toss a loaf of today’s bread at someone’s head and it would bounce right off. (We’re not suggesting you try this.)
- Cereal and Grain Products: Food companies can’t do too much to an apple or a carrot. But it’s a different story with cereal and grain products. They have a lot of regulatory wiggle room to market products as whole grain, artisanal, 100% whole wheat, and so on. Don’t assume that these products are healthy despite the packaging!
- Dairy Products: Flavored yogurts and flavored cheeses are often highly processed, bordering on ultra-processed. Be wary of these items for you and for your family.
The good news is that after you’ve done your homework and your pantry contains healthy processed products, your work is done!
Unless you want to try something else, in which case you must once again be careful!
Make sure to speak with your health coach about this tricky area. We’re here to help!