At its core, the PowerME™ Vitality Program relies on behavioral science to help you build a healthy lifestyle that will work for YOU.

Unfortunately, behavioral science is often used for manipulation—we scroll, we click, and we buy stuff that we don’t need.

Yet, the same principles can be used to benefit our health!

Here’s how we’ll work together:

  • You will receive lesson content in the PowerME app to help you learn core principles and put them into daily practice.
  • You will have a personal health team, including a health coach for motivation and accountability, a healthcare provider for guidance, and a medical assistant for scheduling and support.
  • You’ll have access to an array of tools and strategies to help you build a custom toolkit of skills for sustainable healthy living.

We don’t get caught up with a specific result, such as a target weight loss. This outcome-based approach offers limited learning and seldom leads to lasting transformation.

With PowerME™, our emphasis is on the process, paving the way for consistent, incremental improvements that lead to enduring change.

That is the transformation we will undertake together. By the program’s end, you’ll have the skills to intuitively live a vital, healthy lifestyle for the long-term.