Having boundaries helps both you and your tribe navigate change.
As an example, let’s look at a vegetarian lifestyle.
A vegetarian is going to have strong boundaries with regards to their meal choices. A vegetarian is not going to chow down on triple-meat pizza.
While we’re not suggesting that you become a vegetarian (although, we’ll support you if you do), we’re making the point that a strong identity, like a vegetarian lifestyle, sets firm boundaries for you as well as the people around you.
And having strong boundaries, especially in times of change, helps to reduce uncertainty and stress.
So, ask yourself if there are boundaries that fit your identity and support your healthy lifestyle. Are there boundaries that you can share with your tribe?
Here are a few examples, but obviously you can come up with your own.
- I exercise X times per week because of ___________(stress relief, giving, social interactions).
- I get 8 hours of sleep to feel rested and function normally.
- I meditate daily in order to feel balanced.
- I get together with my close family once a week to feel connected.
It may seem strange that you need to explain boundaries to your tribe, but it will help everyone to be able to see the lines on the playing field more clearly.