When it comes to strength training, people tend to fall into four different camps. 

  • I’m already doing it. 
  • Love it and I plan to get back to it. 
  • I’d like to consider it, but I don’t know how and I’m not sure when I’ll find the time. 
  • Not interested. 

If you’re in the last group, it’s not a bad thing—not at all! Don’t feel like you need to become a gym rat in order to get stronger, just like you don’t need to be a marathon runner to improve your Zone 2.  

It’s just that there are so many benefits to improving strength—and so many options nowadays, that we’re going to give you a gentle nudge to think about how you can incorporate strength training into your lifestyle.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a framework for strength training focusing on the basic movements we’ve discussed: push, pull, hinge, squat, carry.

Again, this isn’t the only approach out there, but it is a way to get started.