After you’ve done the same exercise for awhile, you will no doubt get feedback from your brain that it’s getting bored and wants to do something that’s more exciting.

Yes, your brain realizes that if you continue your activity for long enough, it will become routine and boredom becomes a non-issue. But during the change process, it can be hard to maintain motivation for an activity that seems repetitive and uncomfortable. 

We recommend starting out with a minimal time commitment. You’ll have less opportunity to become bored. Distractions that come from listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook can also help. Having a workout partner or group can work as well. 

And sometimes it’s just about getting it done. Boredom is a mindset, and you can always change your mindset. Keep your core motivation front of mind and appreciate the improvements that you make—how good you feel . Remember, it’s okay to miss a day—but try not to miss two. 

And after all, it could be worse. You could be doing your taxes, emptying the dishwasher, or starting yet another load of laundry.  

Until next time, 

Your PowerME™ Team