We like the DRS for its simplicity. Because the DRS is only one question, it doesn’t take a lot of mental effort. It’s not Wordle.
We recommend completing the DRS when you first wake up. Even after a poor night’s sleep, for most people, this is the time when they have the greatest mental bandwidth.
You might find it helpful to write down your DRS along with how you’re going to manage your day. You could easily include this as part of your morning journaling practice (hint, hint).
Why the morning? In our experience, it is less helpful to perform a self-check at the end of the day when cognitive reserves are low. Also, at the end of the day there isn’t much that is actionable other than going to bed.
While it is helpful to recognize a low-energy day before you get going in the morning, the power of a DRS comes from having a plan.
It shouldn’t be surprising to you that your plan will incorporate the COR-4.