As you grow, develop, and experience life, your prefrontal cortex (PFC) builds memories and connections that help you interact with the world around you.
We call these rulesets. Rulesets allow you to interpret your present environment based on experience and decide how you should behave in your current situation.
Your PFC creates different rulesets for different situations. Thus, you will have a home-with-family ruleset, which will not be the same as your at-work ruleset, or your out-with-friends ruleset.
In a relaxed emotional state your PFC has access to the vast array of rulesets that it has constructed over your lifetime, allowing you to access creativity and inspiration.
Your primitive brain has rulesets as well. We call these ancient drives.
When you are under a lot of stress—even good stress—your PFC’s access to rulesets is limited. This is the reason why you can’t think straight when you are angry, upset, or even when you are exercising at a high intensity.