We’d like to share our strategy for selecting healthy food.

As you wind your way through your favorite grocery store, simply pick up whole food items and put them in your cart.


Okay, we appreciate that it’s not that easy. But we’re making the point that choosing healthy food isn’t hard, at least in theory, because you can select the items before you eat them.

Figuring out how much to eat is a lot trickier.

You could consider monitoring your calories-in and calories-out by checking food labels, or using a calorie counter or a fitness app. But tracking your calories takes a lot of work. Plus, these tools are notoriously inaccurate. 

  • Food Labels. The FDA allows labels to be off by 20%—and that’s what you eat, not what you digest. 
  • Wearable Devices. Studies show that exercise equipment overestimates your calorie burn by 40%–80%.  

So, what can you do? 

One option is to only eat when you’re hungry.  

Great idea, but not practical for most of us. While some people are in-tune with their hunger signals—young kids come to mind—it’s hard to differentiate true hunger from other signals like boredom or cravings.  

Then there is the advice from diet experts (especially the ones who work for the food industry) to eat in moderation.  

But what does moderation mean? Compared to what? Do you just eat a bit less? A lot less?

Again, not helpful. 

We need a better answer. And the answer in PowerME™ is friction.