If you don’t have a life’s purpose, then take some time over the coming weeks to give it some thought.

Journaling is a great place to start. (You probably saw that coming, right?) 

Start with the basics. Here’s a simple approach to try:

  • Write down 5 things that are important to you right now.  
  • Of those 5, write down the top 2 that you know will be important to you in 5 years? 

It is likely that those two things will include people who are close to you, and also reflect your core motivation.

And don’t feel bad if you can’t express a specific purpose in your life. It’s not something that we typically think about

But it is worth exploring.

A purpose will help to ground your emotional health.  

And as you continue to transition into your new lifestyle, it is purpose and meaning that will keep you on the right path. 


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