Playing defense doesn’t mean that you don’t do anything. You will want to have a plan for self-care especially on those days when your mental bandwidth is low.
What does your self-care plan look like on a defense day? What will help you preserve and even restore your mental energy?
- Mindfulness—Meditation, journaling, breathing exercises.
- Exercise—Zone 2, strength workout.
- Music/Aromatherapy.
- Connect—Catching up with a close friend or family member!
Some of these strategies will be part of your everyday self-care. But on a defense day a simple mindfulness break will help get you off autopilot for a few moments and check in with yourself before you take on more obligations.
Playing defense on tough days is about having a plan for what you do, but also for what you don’t do. Prioritize your self-care. Learning to say no is a worthwhile skill.
If your plan isn’t working and you find that you’re skipping your me-time, then maybe try something different. Don’t hesitate to speak with your coach. As with any lifestyle skill, self-care takes practice.