The deadlift is widely considered one of the best exercises for hinging and overall lower body strength.  

The deadlift is another compound movement that works many muscle groups in the lower body and core, including the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and back muscles.  

Remember to keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the exercise, and to use proper form and a weight that you can handle safely. 

When you bend down, think that you are closing a car door with your butt. That will give you the right hinge. You can practice on your car if you want. 

This can be a complex movement for people who are just starting out. In fact, we recommend doing the movement without the bar until you feel comfortable. Then go very (we mean very) light.  

We highly recommend sending a video of you doing the exercise to your coach, or doing this exercise in person with a trainer, to make sure your mechanics are correct.