Each of the following three strategies make it a bit harder to eat more food than you need. 

We will present the strategies as separate articles—check your app for the links.

Prioritizing Portions

More Food, Fewer Calories

Time-Based Eating Tactics 

As you consider each strategy, think about which one would be the easiest for you to apply.

Understand that these approaches complement each other. In other words, you can stack one strategy on top of another.  

Some people might be skeptical of the friction approach. Often it’s because they’ve been trained by the weight loss industry to actively count calories or macros and to use willpower to restrict food intake. We call this cognitive brute force.

The strategies we are recommending are passive, which means that you don’t try to eat less. It’s the friction that makes the difference.

So, it does take a leap of faith.

Yet the science is undeniable. These strategies work—and you won’t need to rely exclusively on willpower and self-control.

Work with your coach, practice your strategy, and be patient. Remember, we’re playing the long game.