Here are some of the metrics that you can measure with DEXA:
- Lean Mass vs. Lean Muscle
Lean mass consists of your organs, muscles, and soft tissues. For our program, it is lean muscle that holds the greatest interest.
- Subcutaneous Fat vs. Visceral Fat
You’re designed to store energy in your subcutaneous tissues. This is healthy fat and represents the calories your body stores away for a rainy day.
However, once your body has run out of subcutaneous energy storage, it has to put it somewhere. And your last resort storage area is in and around your organs.
We’re referring to visceral fat, which is decidedly not good for you.
Visceral fat is inflammatory and causes all sorts of problems—especially in promoting metabolic disease. Not only is visceral fat damaging to your system, but it also gets in the way of the delicate hormone signaling that your body uses for metabolic function.