Music Therapy

Your emotional response to music depends on your mood, the environment, and your expectations.

It would be hard to connect with holiday music on Father’s Day or with hip-hop while strolling through a Roman art museum.  

Music may evoke deep memories that are often hidden from consciousness; you may not even be aware of why you like or dislike a song.

Sometimes you might want silence, while other times you may be in a receptive state and tap your foot without realizing it.

Music can create a state of harmony where the primitive and modern parts of your brain naturally dance together.

How To Use Music Therapy

It’s easy to forget the beauty of music and its ability to nourish your soul.

We doubt that you need advice on using music therapy—this is more of a reminder that music can be a great way to help with stress and balance. So, go put on your favorite tune and appreciate how you feel.



You’ve probably had the experience whereby a smell brings back memories from your past, even from early childhood.

An emotional trigger that comes from your nose can be sudden and intense—the smell of the holidays, of salt air from the ocean, and of course, your comfort foods. 

There are many scientific studies that have focused on the therapeutic effects of aromatherapy. In particular, lavender is beneficial for reducing stress.

As with music, aromatherapy is less about strengthening mindfulness and more about tamping down your stress response, leading to reset and recovery.

How To Use Aromatherapy

Essential oils are readily available; however, we do recommend that you go for quality over price—some oils that are sold are of questionable purity. See our complementary corner in the Stress and Life Balance article for some specific advice.